The Case for France - Le Music

The Case for France - Le Music

Driving across France for the last two months, Travis and I have had a lot of time to listen to the local radio and Spotify.  What really hooked us was an artist named Louane and her song "On Etait Beau" (so if you listen to nothing else, at least check that out). As a result, we have really enjoyed digging into and listening to French music, both new and old...  

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The Case For France - The French Markets

The Case For France - The French Markets

The Case For France -- An occasional series by Nicole, the title of which is probably self explanatory! :) Enter Nicole...

If I had a billboard it would say "Travel is a driver of peace.  Get going and meet someone new."  For now that is a bit too large of a topic to tackle, so instead I'm going to focus on building the case for France. :}

Everyone loves France right?  Nope, not nearly enough people! Among friends, it's no secret that I do, but where to begin?...

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