The Case for France - Le Music
/Driving across France for the last two months, Travis and I have had a lot of time to listen to the local radio and Spotify. What really hooked us was an artist named Louane and her song "On Etait Beau" (so if you listen to nothing else, at least check that out). As a result, we have really enjoyed digging into and listening to French music, both new and old.
Some of the artists we tend to listen to the most include:
Couer de Pirate
La Femme
Joe Dassin
Admittedly, we are far from singing along to some of our favorites and most of the time are clueless as to what they are saying, but it's fun to pretend we are in the scene. While some French artists are shifting to singing mainly in English to appeal to a wider audience, there is still a wide range in French. Whether you are more of a pop fan, jazz, or even rap, there is unsurprisingly something interesting in every genre.
At the same time, we have been popping into local record shops, pretending we know exactly what we are doing and seeing what we can find. A quick "bonjour" to the shop owner and then we dive right into the piles, as if we have any clue what we are doing. Mind you, we also don't have a record player ourselves, but Travis' bro does. That counts right? So far our favorite was a great little shop in the Bordeaux city centre called Total Heaven.
One step further, Travis thought it would be fun to create a playlist on Spotify of our favorite songs thus far. Fair warning, it's a total mix of genre and age, but the next time you find yourself on the road, cooking in the kitchen or sitting around reading a book, give it a try. You might just find yourself singing (or at least attempting to like us) along as well. :)
Spotify Playlist:
The Case for France
"...Aux Champs-Elysees, aux Champs-Elysees... Au soleil, sous la pluie, a midi ou a minuit... Il y tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysees..."
Once you hear it, you will know it and be singing it to yourself alllllll day! Muhaha